Congratulations on purchasing your All Access Pass! We can’t wait for you to get to hear from our amazing lineup of women. You will have access to our All Access Pass archive pages when the conference is over; on Friday 1/27/23 we will send you an e-mail with those links, as well as your Battle Plan Bundle with bonus freebies our speakers have made available to you for being an All Access Pass holder!

There are so many ways to enjoy your All Access Pass:

  • You can watch some sessions live, then re-watch or catch up on those you didn’t get a chance to watch after the conference is over.

  • You can wait for a weekend, days off from work or a time when you have some alone time and watch all of the sessions at once so you can take notes and reflect.

  • You can even gather a couple of family members or friends or a small group of women for an in-person prayer conference with time to discuss and pray together in person!

However you choose to use your All Access Pass, our hope and prayer is that it will be a blessing that will encourage you to draw closer to God, and equip you with tools to empower you to live out a passionate, powerful prayer life!

In the meantime, check your inbox (look in your SPAM or junk folders if you don’t hear from us soon) for an e-mail with further instructions. In order to be sure you receive your All Access Pass on Friday 1/27, please make sure you click on the e-mail to confirm your subscription!

See you soon!

💕🙏 Alana and Jaime